Southern Connecticut State University-Business School Instructional Facility

Construction for the next home of the School of Business at Southern Connecticut State University is underway. The new building will provide more than double the space currently allotted for the School of Business, which is situated in part of the former Student Center Building. And it is being designed as an environmentally sustainable structure that will provide a friendly confine for SCSU partnerships with the business community. Plans call for the facility to be the first building constructed by the state of Connecticut that will be a net-zero in terms of its carbon footprint. Solar panels added to the Lot 9 area on lower Farnham Avenue will help generate 90 percent of the building’s needs, supplemented by a below ground geothermal field at the rear of the construction site.

Consolidated Early Learning Academy at Meeting House Hill School, New Fairfield, CT

The New Fairfield Public Schools has selected the option of constructing an addition to the existing Meeting House Hill School to consolidate the school operations. The new Consolidated Early Learning Academy addition will be approximately 43,500 gross square feet and will house grades Pre-K through 1 while the existing Meeting House Hill School will house grades 2 through 5. The new addition is built adjacent to the existing building with several areas proving connecting access. The project also includes both new and replacement sitework and exterior features. Major sitework consists of all new underground utility work, pavements and drives and the construction play areas.

Stabilization of Rock Cuts, Route 8 Northbound, Shelton, CT

The State of Connecticut Department of Transportation determined that work of an emergency nature was required on Route 8 Northbound in Shelton, south of the Long Hill Cross Road overpass. Guerrera Construction Company, Inc. was selected to perform the work, which included closing the right shoulder and right acceleration lane along Route 8 Northbound, protecting the work zone with precast barrier, signage, and temporary line striping. Mechanical scaling of the cut rock face was performed to remove the unstable material and avoid future rockslides in the area. Once the work on the rock face was completed, the work area was cleared, and traffic returned to full utilization of the roadway.

Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 06750, Route 25, Trumbull, CT

Large scale tree clearing along the State Right-of-Way to facilitate the construction of access roads to the work site and for future Connecticut Department of Transportation maintenance work. The scope of this project included the cleaning and repairs to the existing 72” diameter corrugated metal pipe that runs underneath Route 25 northbound and southbound, and lining it with a 63” diameter high density polyethylene culvert. Temporary cofferdams were installed and dewatered to facilitate the grouting of the annulus between the host structure and liner, and for the construction of a new headwall and endwall. New gates were installed at the entrances to the access roads and new metal beam rail and end anchorages along Route 25 southbound. Plantings were installed and any disturbed areas restored with turf upon project completion.

Interchange 57/58 Improvements on Route 15 Southbound, Orange, CT

The Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (Department) Office of Engineering is developing plans to make interchange improvements on Route 15 southbound at Exit 57 in the town of Orange. The purpose of the project is to reduce the occurrence of rear-end crashes and congestion at the on-ramp from Route 34 eastbound onto Route 15 southbound, by removing the stop-controlled interchange to provide an acceleration lane for traffic to merge onto Route 15. The project involves widening Route 15 for the acceleration lane which will require tree removal and modifying pavement markings. Additionally, all four inner loop ramps will be milled and overlaid with high friction pavement.

Terminal Apron Rehabilitation, Groton-New London Airport, Groton, CT

Rehabilitation of approximately 7.5 acres of the terminal apron pavement, including reconfiguration of the intersection of the apron, Taxiway C, and Taxiway D, replacement of concrete tie down anchors, removal and replacement of taxiway edge lights and taxiway guidance signage, new pavement markings, and an extension of the turf island at the south of the apron. Staged construction to be completed within 77 calendar days.

Replacement of Bridge No. 04913, Dutton Road, Oxford, CT

This project required staged demolition and new construction of a single span bridge structure in the Town of Oxford, Connecticut. Both the width and span length of the bridge were increased by the new design. The new bridge structure consists of concrete abutments on drilled micropiles. Prestressed concrete deck units with a structural concrete topping slab span and support the roadway over the Little River. New safety parapet curb and bridge rail, along with architectural concrete endblocks compliment this new structure. Drainage improvements have been installed at both approached to the new bridge along with new bituminous paving throughout the project limits.